Saturday, December 20, 2014

Latest News from NNELL

If you have not joined NNELL-make it your New Year's Resolution to do so!  As a holiday gift I cave my internship a membership(Yes-they have gift membership!).  Do you know someone with young children or a new teacher?  Consider giving the gift of language advocacy.  

The following are a couple of excerpts from the recent NNELL eNews:

2014 Illinois Foreign Language Teacher of the Year: NNELL Member, Kathleen A. Priceman
It is our pleasure to announce that NNELL Member Kathleen A. Priceman is the 2015 Illinois Foreign Language Teacher of the Year. She will compete this spring for the honor of 2015 Central Sates Foreign Language Teacher of the Year.In 1997 Kathleen began teaching at Oak Park Elementary District 97 as one of the original immersion teachers in the district. Mrs. Priceman is passionate about students’ learning the cultures and traditions of the Spanish-speaking countries around the world. She teaches students traditional Latin dances in preparation for the annual Gran Fandango performance. She exposes students to the many different foods in Spanish cultures. In addition, she coordinates all the immersion students and their parents in preparation for their participation and performances during the District 97 Ethnic Festival and Parade.

Congratulations Kathleen!

Generation Study Abroad
On behalf of Institute for International Education (IIE)'s Generation Study Abroad Team, I'd like to thank you for the amazing work you are doing with early language learners to open up the minds of students to the world beyond our borders. We would greatly appreciate it if you would "Take the Pledge" and share this initiative with fellow teachers and administrators in your town, across your state and the US. In addition to signing the pledge -- just a commitment to keep doing what you're doing -- you will find all kinds of great resources on the site that has been created for teachers. We recognize that teachers are busy, and would benefit from a centrally-located source of materials, so we've organized resources in the following categories: 1) ways to internationalize the classroom, 2) Study Abroad stories, 3) opportunities for professional development, 4) local, global connections, and 5) information on Generation Study Abroad.

Our goal is to double the number of students studying abroad while in college, and administrators like you can support your teachers as they open the world to students and help plant the seed for study abroad in college.

The official launch of the #I'mOnBoard campaign won't be until January, but we're trying to gin up support and pledges before then to announce! So please take the pledge and share the site with as many people as possible!

It's never too early to talk to our students about opportunities for study and travel abroad!

Stacie Berdan, author and parent

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