Saturday, November 22, 2014

Illinois at ACTFL

Both Kathleen and I are are so pleased to be able to network with other elementary teachers and our colleagues at NNELL here at the ACTFL Convention in San Antonio.  NNELL has just announced their summer workshop information and I will soon post that for you to be able to consider it in your summer plans.  We know for sure it will feature Helena Curtain. If you are on social media-check out NNELL's new hashtag: #EarlyLang to network with other early language teachers.

If you are not a member of NNELL-sign up!  Let's advocate for our early language programs!
 Pictured: New NNELL President, Nadine Jacobsen-McClean, Kathleen Priceman, Valerie Shull, Leann Wilcoxen
Teacher of the Year finalist Carrie Toth-from Illinois- at ACTFL Opening General Session

 The Illinois delegation at ACTFL Opening General Session
Recruiting new members for NNELL at the Exhibit Hall

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