Tuesday, March 10, 2015

First WinterFLES and ICTFL Call for Proposals

Just in time to help us get through the winter blues, arrived our first WinterFLES!  This first event for elementary and middle school teachers was presented by Kathleen Priceman, Mary Perkins and Valerie Shull.  It focused on developing proficiency in young language learners, age appropriate activities and supporting learning under Common Core.  We're looking forward to bringing WinterFLES back next year for elementary teachers, and developing it into an annual event!

CALL FOR PROPOSALS EXTENDED!  Please consider submitting a proposal for the fall ICTFL Conference. ICTFL is again planning to offer a FLES track for elementary and middle school language teachers and we want you! Do you have a system for tracking progress? How about ways you're already supporting Common Core in the language classroom? Lessons and assessments that develop proficiency?  Come and share at the conference.  Click here to submit a session proposal.